RR Hi Jamie, thanks a lot for taking the time to do this interview with us. Would you mind starting off by telling us your DJ / Producer name and how long you've been producing for?
Synthetik I go by the alias Synthetik, And i have been producing since May 2021 so just over a year.
RR For our readers that aren't yet familiar with your work could you tell us a bit about the style of music you make and give us a link to one of your personal favourite tracks you've produced?
Synthetik I mainly produce Makina but i have dabbled into bounce also. One of my favourite tracks i've produced so far has to be Game Over on Rewired Records.
But an honorable mention has to be a track what was a collab with Jupiter called Fuel My Desire.
RR You've been making waves in the scene recently with releases on various labels! Could you tell us a bit about what you've been up to?
Synthetik Mainly plenty of days of writers block and scrapped projects haha but when i get the time to jump on i'm doing a lot of melody writing, working out drum patterns see what works best before i really dive in to a track and just go from there.
RR What are your biggest achievements throughout your music career so far?
Synthetik My Biggest achievements so far have to be getting my own EP on vinyl the Game Over EP on rewired records and having various Releases with; Rewired Records, Mini Mammoth and The New Monkey. also i have 2 tracks Forthcoming on vinyl one of my tracks Ethereal is coming on the Breakdown - Paladin vinyl on Mini Mammoth, and a charity vinyl from a new label just started up Council Pop Soundz called project xena what features mine and jupiter's track Fuel My Desire in which all proceeds go to the Back And Alive charity in Ukraine.

RR Can you tell us a bit about your production journey, looking back to when you started to where you are now?
Synthetik My Production Journey really stems down from Paul Osborne (Jupiter) and Joe Mcmullen (JayDubs) who really pushed me into start producing, paul was always giving me advice helped me out with what i needed and joe mentioned the rewired course as he was taking part too. without joe and paul i don't think i would of started music production.
RR What software / packs are you using most?
Synthetik Fl Studio is my go to DAW, plug-in-wise serum and spire are my main go to, Sylenth 1 also. Pack-wise the Jason P Makina tool packs and the packs that came with the Rewired Course also a pack called BKs Hard Beats i found recently what i am now using for loops to fill out my percussion.
RR What's the best advice you could give to someone that wants to learn production?
Synthetik Best advice i could give is take time with your productions and try to get as much feedback as possible, when i first started i tried to push as many tracks out as i could not really giving them a once over, when i listen back now to my older productions they are not a full as my new stuff, experiment most days i open FL i don't go on to start a track most times is melody writing, messing with drum patters basslines ETC, do as much research as possible even tutorials from other genres all helps. but i would really recommended the Rewired music production course it has everything you need to get started and finishing tracks.
RR Have you got any goals in mind for the future, or any artists you'd like to collaborate with?
Synthetik I'd love to start doing events and really establish myself in the scene and just keep pushing myself to develop in music production and fine my own style and sound. im always up for collaborations but i would like to do some work with; Infinite, JayDubs, Intense and Glichie And Jaylee just to name a few.
RR Where can people follow and buy your music?
Synthetik I'm Mainly using soundcloud if you want to hear my latest stuff.
Also my Facebook Page i'm going to start using a lot more too.
A fair few of my newer tracks are unreleased as of now, but if anyone would be interested in my music drop my page a message 😄.